Business Innovation’s Access Control Systems, spread across multiple industries. We understand the unique environments and secure businesses, industrial plants, high rise blocks of flats, private residences, material assets and intellectual property.
Targeted and cost effective solutions for today’s rapidly changing security technology industry and widespread international tension. Flexibility to quickly adapt to changing circumstances. Projects reach the operation state quickly. Comprehensive software platform to manage all operational procedures simply and efficiently. All the products can be intelligently combined–from Plug & Run to complex networked security systems. Integration with Time & Attendance and HRM systems.
Business Innovations designs installs and maintains access & entry control solutions for any given situation. From simple stand alone one door solutions, to the most challenging complex multi-door wide spread systems in the most diverse areas. Stand Alone Locking Systems Restricted Area Door Locking Systems Multi-door systems Turnstiles Barriers Gates Rising Ramps Biometrics